MRCI's Futures and Cash Charts offer convenient, flip-through files containing daily
and monthly charts of the underlying cash and of several nearby delivery months for a
futures contract or complex.
To help you become even more familiar with how the current market is behaving now
compared to the past, each daily chart is not only overlaid with its 15-year seasonal
pattern but also shows the 5-, 15-, and up-to-30-year seasonal pattern below. To help
you project a market's potential, any correlation patterns available are also displayed.
Thus, in one easy-to-use file, you can see a market's past prices, compare its present
behavior, and visualize its possible future.
View A Sample File Here.
MRCI's Futures and Cash Charts offer convenient, flip-through files containing daily
and monthly charts of the underlying cash and of several nearby delivery months for a
futures contract or complex.
To help you become even more familiar with how the current market is behaving now
compared to the past, each daily chart is not only overlaid with its 15-year seasonal
pattern but also shows the 5-, 15-, and up-to-30-year seasonal pattern below. To help
you project a market's potential, any correlation patterns available are also displayed.
Thus, in one easy-to-use file, you can see a market's past prices, compare its present
behavior, and visualize its possible future.