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MRCI's Scenario Summary

MRCI's ScenarioSM Summary

Copyright © 1989- Moore Research Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ScenarioSM Summary May 31, 2022
Historical Data Scenario Data Current Market Data




#DJ Higher May 32977.00 34118.00 30636.00 32990.00 68% 45 27 24 89% 34118.00 35652.37 32990.00
#VLE Higher May 8850.00 9232.00 8181.00 8893.00 68% 39 27 23 85% 9232.00 9693.98 8893.00
TYU2 Higher May 118~235 120~195 116~210 119~145 71% 39 20 18 90% 120~195 123~199 119~145
FVU2 Higher May 112~092 113~210 111~136 112~304 68% 33 21 18 86% 113~210 115~192 112~304
ADU2 Higher May 70.97 72.76 68.43 71.85 79% 35 14 13 93% 72.76 74.81 71.85
BPU2 Higher May 126.11 126.77 121.71 126.15 88% 45 15 13 87% 126.77 133.61 126.15
JYU2 Higher May 77.79 79.61 76.63 78.17 52% 45 19 17 89% 79.61 82.34 78.17
RBU2 Higher May 316.07 369.26 307.94 357.15 80% 37 21 18 86% 369.26 397.08 357.15
RBV2 Higher May 292.49 343.00 284.60 330.57 79% 37 21 18 86% 343.00 368.88 330.57
SU2 Lower May 1558.25 1600.75 1469.50 1544.75 57% 45 23 22 96% 1469.50 1346.39 1544.75
SX2 Lower May 1514.75 1560.50 1438.25 1509.50 58% 45 24 22 92% 1438.25 1323.97 1509.50
BOU2 Lower May 77.74 78.79 74.38 75.58 27% 45 24 21 88% 74.38 67.79 75.58
BOZ2 Lower May 75.34 76.54 72.13 74.72 59% 45 23 21 91% 72.13 66.37 74.72
SMU2 Lower May 415.20 424.60 388.40 406.30 49% 45 24 24 100% 388.40 359.55 406.30
SMZ2 Lower May 404.90 419.10 386.00 402.00 48% 45 22 22 100% 386.00 361.35 402.00
CU2 Lower May 768.00 778.75 719.75 725.00 9% 45 23 22 96% 719.75 641.93 725.00
CZ2 Lower May 751.25 766.25 703.75 711.50 12% 45 23 21 91% 703.75 632.49 711.50
OZ2 Higher May 591.00 643.00 540.00 627.50 85% 45 19 16 84% 643.00 737.99 627.50
HEV2 Lower May 93.450 95.000 87.400 93.050 74% 45 24 22 92% 87.400 78.012 93.050
CCU1 Higher May 2411 2590 2353 2456 43% 45 19 16 84% No 2823 2703
CCZ2 Lower May 2583 2658 2455 2546 45% 45 26 23 88% 2455 2280 2546
LBU2 Lower May 860.1 872.5 644.0 653.9 4% 45 20 18 90% 644.0 568.7 653.9
LBX2 Lower May 847.7 840.9 645.0 658.6 7% 45 20 17 85% 645.0 584.7 658.6
SBV2 Higher May 19.25 20.29 18.45 19.57 61% 45 20 18 90% 20.29 23.21 19.57
SBH3 Higher May 19.50 20.43 18.77 19.87 66% 45 19 17 89% 20.43 22.85 19.87
RRU2 Higher May 17.52 18.20 16.77 17.81 73% 35 15 13 87% 18.20 19.31 17.81

DJIA Index
The #DJ(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 32977.00(Prev Close), the market ended May at 32990.00(Month Close), that being 68%(Pct Range) off of 30636.00(Month Low) to 34118.00(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the DJIA Index also closed higher in May than April in 27(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 27, the #DJ went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 24 years(Action Years) or 89%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #DJ should exceed 34118.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 24 years) a potential move toward 35652.37(Average Objective).

Value Line Index
The #VLE(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 8850.00(Prev Close), the market ended May at 8893.00(Month Close), that being 68%(Pct Range) off of 8181.00(Month Low) to 9232.00(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 39 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Value Line Index also closed higher in May than April in 27(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 27, the #VLE went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #VLE should exceed 9232.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 9693.98(Average Objective).

September 10-Year T-Notes(CBOT)
The TYU2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 118~235(Prev Close), the market ended May at 119~145(Month Close), that being 71%(Pct Range) off of 116~210(Month Low) to 120~195(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 39 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September 10-Year T-Notes(CBOT) also closed higher in May than April in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, TYU went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the TYU should exceed 120~195(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 123~199(Average Objective).

September 5-Year T-Notes(CBOT)
The FVU2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 112~092(Prev Close), the market ended May at 112~304(Month Close), that being 68%(Pct Range) off of 111~136(Month Low) to 113~210(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 33 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September 5-Year T-Notes(CBOT) also closed higher in May than April in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, FVU went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the FVU should exceed 113~210(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 115~192(Average Objective).

September Australian Dollar(CME)
The ADU2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 70.97(Prev Close), the market ended May at 71.85(Month Close), that being 79%(Pct Range) off of 68.43(Month Low) to 72.76(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 35 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Australian Dollar(CME) also closed higher in May than April in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, ADU went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 13 years(Action Years) or 93%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the ADU should exceed 72.76(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 13 years) a potential move toward 74.81(Average Objective).

September British Pound(CME)
The BPU2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 126.11(Prev Close), the market ended May at 126.15(Month Close), that being 88%(Pct Range) off of 121.71(Month Low) to 126.77(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September British Pound(CME) also closed higher in May than April in 15(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 15, BPU went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 13 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the BPU should exceed 126.77(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 13 years) a potential move toward 133.61(Average Objective).

September Japanese Yen(CME)
The JYU2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 77.79(Prev Close), the market ended May at 78.17(Month Close), that being 52%(Pct Range) off of 76.63(Month Low) to 79.61(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Japanese Yen(CME) also closed higher in May than April in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, JYU went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 89%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the JYU should exceed 79.61(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 82.34(Average Objective).

September RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBU2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 316.07(Prev Close), the market ended May at 357.15(Month Close), that being 80%(Pct Range) off of 307.94(Month Low) to 369.26(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 37 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in May than April in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, RBU went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBU should exceed 369.26(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 397.08(Average Objective).

October RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBV2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 292.49(Prev Close), the market ended May at 330.57(Month Close), that being 79%(Pct Range) off of 284.60(Month Low) to 343.00(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 37 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the October RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in May than April in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, RBV went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBV should exceed 343.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 368.88(Average Objective).

September Soybeans(CBOT)
The SU2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 1558.25(Prev Close), the market ended May at 1544.75(Month Close), that being 57%(Pct Range) off of 1469.50(Month Low) to 1600.75(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Soybeans(CBOT) also closed lower in May than April in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, SU went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 96%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SU should penetrate 1469.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 1346.39(Average Objective).

November Soybeans(CBOT)
The SX2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 1514.75(Prev Close), the market ended May at 1509.50(Month Close), that being 58%(Pct Range) off of 1438.25(Month Low) to 1560.50(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the November Soybeans(CBOT) also closed lower in May than April in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, SX went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SX should penetrate 1438.25(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 1323.97(Average Objective).

September Soybean Oil(CBOT)
The BOU2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 77.74(Prev Close), the market ended May at 75.58(Month Close), that being 27%(Pct Range) off of 74.38(Month Low) to 78.79(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Soybean Oil(CBOT) also closed lower in May than April in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, BOU went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the BOU should penetrate 74.38(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 67.79(Average Objective).

December Soybean Oil(CBOT)
The BOZ2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 75.34(Prev Close), the market ended May at 74.72(Month Close), that being 59%(Pct Range) off of 72.13(Month Low) to 76.54(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Soybean Oil(CBOT) also closed lower in May than April in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, BOZ went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 91%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the BOZ should penetrate 72.13(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 66.37(Average Objective).

September Soybean Meal(CBOT)
The SMU2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 415.20(Prev Close), the market ended May at 406.30(Month Close), that being 49%(Pct Range) off of 388.40(Month Low) to 424.60(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Soybean Meal(CBOT) also closed lower in May than April in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, SMU went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 24 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SMU should penetrate 388.40(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 24 years) a potential move toward 359.55(Average Objective).

December Soybean Meal(CBOT)
The SMZ2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 404.90(Prev Close), the market ended May at 402.00(Month Close), that being 48%(Pct Range) off of 386.00(Month Low) to 419.10(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Soybean Meal(CBOT) also closed lower in May than April in 22(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 22, SMZ went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SMZ should penetrate 386.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 361.35(Average Objective).

September Corn(CBOT)
The CU2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 768.00(Prev Close), the market ended May at 725.00(Month Close), that being 9%(Pct Range) off of 719.75(Month Low) to 778.75(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Corn(CBOT) also closed lower in May than April in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, CU went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 96%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CU should penetrate 719.75(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 641.93(Average Objective).

December Corn(CBOT)
The CZ2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 751.25(Prev Close), the market ended May at 711.50(Month Close), that being 12%(Pct Range) off of 703.75(Month Low) to 766.25(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Corn(CBOT) also closed lower in May than April in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, CZ went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 91%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CZ should penetrate 703.75(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 632.49(Average Objective).

December Oats(CBOT)
The OZ2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 591.00(Prev Close), the market ended May at 627.50(Month Close), that being 85%(Pct Range) off of 540.00(Month Low) to 643.00(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Oats(CBOT) also closed higher in May than April in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, OZ went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the OZ should exceed 643.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 737.99(Average Objective).

October Lean Hogs(CME)
The HEV2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 93.450(Prev Close), the market ended May at 93.050(Month Close), that being 74%(Pct Range) off of 87.400(Month Low) to 95.000(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the October Lean Hogs(CME) also closed lower in May than April in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, HEV went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HEV should penetrate 87.400(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 78.012(Average Objective).

September Cocoa(ICE)
The CCU1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 2411(Prev Close), the market ended May at 2456(Month Close), that being 43%(Pct Range) off of 2353(Month Low) to 2590(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Cocoa(ICE) also closed higher in May than April in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, CCU went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CCU should exceed 2590(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 2823(Average Objective).

December Cocoa(ICE)
The CCZ2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 2583(Prev Close), the market ended May at 2546(Month Close), that being 45%(Pct Range) off of 2455(Month Low) to 2658(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Cocoa(ICE) also closed lower in May than April in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, CCZ went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CCZ should penetrate 2455(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 2280(Average Objective).

September Lumber(CME)
The LBU2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 860.1(Prev Close), the market ended May at 653.9(Month Close), that being 4%(Pct Range) off of 644.0(Month Low) to 872.5(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Lumber(CME) also closed lower in May than April in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, LBU went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the LBU should penetrate 644.0(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 568.7(Average Objective).

November Lumber(CME)
The LBX2(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 847.7(Prev Close), the market ended May at 658.6(Month Close), that being 7%(Pct Range) off of 645.0(Month Low) to 840.9(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the November Lumber(CME) also closed lower in May than April in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, LBX went on to penetrate the May low within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the LBX should penetrate 645.0(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 584.7(Average Objective).

October Sugar #11(ICE)
The SBV2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 19.25(Prev Close), the market ended May at 19.57(Month Close), that being 61%(Pct Range) off of 18.45(Month Low) to 20.29(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the October Sugar #11(ICE) also closed higher in May than April in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, SBV went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SBV should exceed 20.29(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 23.21(Average Objective).

March Sugar #11(ICE)
The SBH3(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 19.50(Prev Close), the market ended May at 19.87(Month Close), that being 66%(Pct Range) off of 18.77(Month Low) to 20.43(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Sugar #11(ICE) also closed higher in May than April in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, SBH went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 89%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SBH should exceed 20.43(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 22.85(Average Objective).

September Rough Rice(CBOT)
The RRU2(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for May(Month). Compared to April's 17.52(Prev Close), the market ended May at 17.81(Month Close), that being 73%(Pct Range) off of 16.77(Month Low) to 18.20(Month High).

In comparing the April/May closes for each of the last 35 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Rough Rice(CBOT) also closed higher in May than April in 15(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 15, RRU went on to exceed the May high within the next 2 months in 13 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RRU should exceed 18.20(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of July. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 13 years) a potential move toward 19.31(Average Objective).



US stock indices have still continued into new all-time highs, and some international stock markets have also been trending higher. Are there certain times of the year that have consistently provided incredible opportunities? But which way and when? MRCI has just released the 2024 Historical Indices Report, complete with seasonal patterns not only for US futures on S&P500, S&P MidCap 400, NASDAQ 100, Russell 2000, and DJIA but also for futures on several major international indices including the FT-SE 100, CAC 40, Nikkei 225, DAX, Euro STOXX 50, Swiss Market Index, SPI 200, and Hang Seng Index.