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MRCI's Scenario Summary

MRCI's ScenarioSM Summary

Copyright © 1989- Moore Research Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ScenarioSM Summary Oct 31, 2024
Historical Data Scenario Data Current Market Data




JYH5 Lower Oct 71.05 71.35 66.16 66.89 14% 45 28 24 86% 66.16 63.59 66.89
SFH5 Lower Oct 120.17 120.66 116.77 117.46 18% 45 23 20 87% 116.77 113.10 117.46
NGF5 Lower Oct 3.602 3.656 2.958 2.968 1% 34 21 19 90% 2.958 2.396 2.968
NGG5 Lower Oct 3.484 3.536 2.878 2.888 2% 34 20 17 85% 2.878 2.325 2.888
CH5 Lower Oct 441.25 452.25 414.00 426.00 31% 45 21 19 90% 414.00 385.28 426.00
CK5 Lower Oct 450.75 461.00 422.25 434.50 32% 45 20 17 85% 422.25 396.88 434.50
WH5 Lower Oct 604.25 639.00 578.75 590.25 19% 45 19 16 84% 578.75 529.66 590.25
WK5 Lower Oct 615.75 650.75 590.25 601.50 19% 45 19 16 84% 590.25 545.01 601.50
HEJ5 Higher Oct 82.780 88.480 82.680 88.100 93% 45 25 21 84% 88.480 94.388 88.100
JOF5 Higher Oct 453.85 498.00 446.65 487.50 80% 45 20 17 85% 498.00 548.88 487.50
JOH5 Higher Oct 449.20 485.00 441.00 477.10 82% 45 20 17 85% 485.00 530.70 477.10
KCH5 Lower Oct 267.95 269.15 242.10 245.50 13% 45 24 22 92% 242.10 220.87 245.50
CCH5 Higher Oct 6365 7336 5901 6890 69% 45 15 13 87% 7336 7912 6890
CCK5 Higher Oct 5987 6943 5601 6565 72% 45 15 14 93% 6943 7485 6565

March Japanese Yen(CME)
The JYH5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 71.05(Prev Close), the market ended October at 66.89(Month Close), that being 14%(Pct Range) off of 66.16(Month Low) to 71.35(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Japanese Yen(CME) also closed lower in October than September in 28(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 28, JYH went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 24 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the JYH should penetrate 66.16(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 24 years) a potential move toward 63.59(Average Objective).

March Swiss Franc(CME)
The SFH5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 120.17(Prev Close), the market ended October at 117.46(Month Close), that being 18%(Pct Range) off of 116.77(Month Low) to 120.66(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Swiss Franc(CME) also closed lower in October than September in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, SFH went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 20 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SFH should penetrate 116.77(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 20 years) a potential move toward 113.10(Average Objective).

January Natural Gas(NYM)
The NGF5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 3.602(Prev Close), the market ended October at 2.968(Month Close), that being 1%(Pct Range) off of 2.958(Month Low) to 3.656(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 34 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the January Natural Gas(NYM) also closed lower in October than September in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, NGF went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NGF should penetrate 2.958(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 2.396(Average Objective).

February Natural Gas(NYM)
The NGG5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 3.484(Prev Close), the market ended October at 2.888(Month Close), that being 2%(Pct Range) off of 2.878(Month Low) to 3.536(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 34 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the February Natural Gas(NYM) also closed lower in October than September in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, NGG went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NGG should penetrate 2.878(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 2.325(Average Objective).

March Corn(CBOT)
The CH5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 441.25(Prev Close), the market ended October at 426.00(Month Close), that being 31%(Pct Range) off of 414.00(Month Low) to 452.25(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Corn(CBOT) also closed lower in October than September in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, CH went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CH should penetrate 414.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 385.28(Average Objective).

May Corn(CBOT)
The CK5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 450.75(Prev Close), the market ended October at 434.50(Month Close), that being 32%(Pct Range) off of 422.25(Month Low) to 461.00(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the May Corn(CBOT) also closed lower in October than September in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, CK went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CK should penetrate 422.25(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 396.88(Average Objective).

March Wheat(CBOT)
The WH5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 604.25(Prev Close), the market ended October at 590.25(Month Close), that being 19%(Pct Range) off of 578.75(Month Low) to 639.00(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Wheat(CBOT) also closed lower in October than September in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, WH went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the WH should penetrate 578.75(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 529.66(Average Objective).

May Wheat(CBOT)
The WK5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 615.75(Prev Close), the market ended October at 601.50(Month Close), that being 19%(Pct Range) off of 590.25(Month Low) to 650.75(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the May Wheat(CBOT) also closed lower in October than September in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, WK went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the WK should penetrate 590.25(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 545.01(Average Objective).

April Lean Hogs(CME)
The HEJ5(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 82.780(Prev Close), the market ended October at 88.100(Month Close), that being 93%(Pct Range) off of 82.680(Month Low) to 88.480(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the April Lean Hogs(CME) also closed higher in October than September in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, HEJ went on to exceed the October high within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HEJ should exceed 88.480(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 94.388(Average Objective).

January Orange Juice(ICE)
The JOF5(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 453.85(Prev Close), the market ended October at 487.50(Month Close), that being 80%(Pct Range) off of 446.65(Month Low) to 498.00(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the January Orange Juice(ICE) also closed higher in October than September in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, JOF went on to exceed the October high within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the JOF should exceed 498.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 548.88(Average Objective).

March Orange Juice(ICE)
The JOH5(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 449.20(Prev Close), the market ended October at 477.10(Month Close), that being 82%(Pct Range) off of 441.00(Month Low) to 485.00(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Orange Juice(ICE) also closed higher in October than September in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, JOH went on to exceed the October high within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the JOH should exceed 485.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 530.70(Average Objective).

March Coffee "C"(ICE)
The KCH5(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 267.95(Prev Close), the market ended October at 245.50(Month Close), that being 13%(Pct Range) off of 242.10(Month Low) to 269.15(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Coffee "C"(ICE) also closed lower in October than September in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, KCH went on to penetrate the October low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the KCH should penetrate 242.10(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 220.87(Average Objective).

March Cocoa(ICE)
The CCH5(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 6365(Prev Close), the market ended October at 6890(Month Close), that being 69%(Pct Range) off of 5901(Month Low) to 7336(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Cocoa(ICE) also closed higher in October than September in 15(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 15, CCH went on to exceed the October high within the next 2 months in 13 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CCH should exceed 7336(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 13 years) a potential move toward 7912(Average Objective).

May Cocoa(ICE)
The CCK5(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for October(Month). Compared to September's 5987(Prev Close), the market ended October at 6565(Month Close), that being 72%(Pct Range) off of 5601(Month Low) to 6943(Month High).

In comparing the September/October closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the May Cocoa(ICE) also closed higher in October than September in 15(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 15, CCK went on to exceed the October high within the next 2 months in 14 years(Action Years) or 93%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CCK should exceed 6943(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of December. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 14 years) a potential move toward 7485(Average Objective).



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