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MRCI's Scenario Summary

MRCI's ScenarioSM Summary

Copyright © 1989- Moore Research Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ScenarioSM Summary Mar 31, 2021
Historical Data Scenario Data Current Market Data




#DJ Higher Mar 30932.00 33259.00 30548.00 32982.00 90% 45 29 26 90% 33259.00 35187.68 32982.00
#TRAN Higher Mar 13331.00 14775.00 13021.00 14631.00 92% 45 29 25 86% 14775.00 15993.99 14631.00
#UTIL Higher Mar 795.60 886.10 792.10 880.35 94% 45 26 26 100% 886.10 925.60 880.35
#NQ Higher Mar 12909.25 13301.50 12208.25 13091.25 81% 35 22 19 86% 13301.50 14328.18 13091.25
#VLE Higher Mar 8714.00 9373.00 8515.00 9080.00 66% 38 26 24 92% 9373.00 9899.89 9080.00
#SSNI Higher Mar 28966 30485 28309 29179 40% 45 24 23 96% 30485 32338 29179
SPM1 Higher Mar 3799.00 3977.50 3755.50 3967.50 95% 38 25 21 84% 3977.50 4196.79 3967.50
NQM1 Higher Mar 12900.00 13316.75 12200.00 13089.75 80% 24 14 12 86% 13316.75 14180.70 13089.75
YMM1 Higher Mar 30800 33134 30409 32898 91% 22 13 13 100% 33134 35074 32898
JYM1 Lower Mar 93.89 94.12 90.18 90.36 5% 44 25 21 84% 90.18 87.17 90.36
SFM1 Lower Mar 110.31 110.54 105.92 105.95 1% 45 24 22 92% 105.92 101.90 105.95
HON1 Lower Mar 182.50 197.57 173.67 177.61 16% 41 14 12 86% 173.67 158.54 177.61
HOQ1 Lower Mar 182.27 197.28 174.01 177.94 17% 41 14 12 86% 174.01 159.44 177.94
RBN1 Higher Mar 189.91 209.81 184.92 193.75 35% 35 26 22 85% 209.81 231.12 193.75
RBQ1 Higher Mar 187.10 206.39 182.97 191.48 36% 35 26 23 88% 206.39 225.64 191.48
NGN1 Lower Mar 2.919 3.007 2.585 2.732 35% 30 10 10 100% 2.585 2.339 2.732
NGQ1 Lower Mar 2.938 3.025 2.605 2.753 35% 30 10 10 100% 2.605 2.375 2.753
BON1 Higher Mar 48.80 54.63 47.65 50.76 45% 45 21 19 90% 54.63 59.51 50.76
CN1 Higher Mar 535.00 547.50 518.25 547.50 100% 45 23 22 96% 547.50 580.18 547.50
CU1 Higher Mar 489.50 504.25 467.50 496.00 78% 45 25 23 92% 504.25 536.17 496.00
LCQ1 Higher Mar 117.050 122.350 115.585 121.980 95% 45 21 18 86% 122.350 130.602 121.980
FCQ1 Higher Mar 151.950 160.900 149.885 157.280 67% 45 20 18 90% 160.900 170.126 157.280
FCU1 Higher Mar 152.830 160.780 150.850 157.800 70% 45 20 19 95% 160.780 169.242 157.800
HEN1 Higher Mar 94.550 105.230 93.480 104.680 95% 45 24 22 92% 105.230 114.053 104.680
HEQ1 Higher Mar 93.630 102.300 92.830 102.180 99% 45 23 20 87% 102.300 110.847 102.180
KCN1 Lower Mar 139.30 141.60 122.55 125.40 15% 45 22 19 86% 122.55 112.25 125.40
SBN1 Lower Mar 15.85 16.10 14.68 14.77 6% 45 27 23 85% 14.68 12.50 14.77
SBV1 Lower Mar 15.60 15.95 14.71 14.78 6% 45 26 22 85% 14.71 12.71 14.78
RRU1 Higher Mar 12.76 13.00 12.71 13.00 98% 34 21 19 90% 13.00 14.06 13.00

DJIA Index
The #DJ(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 30932.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 32982.00(Month Close), that being 90%(Pct Range) off of 30548.00(Month Low) to 33259.00(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the DJIA Index also closed higher in March than February in 29(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 29, the #DJ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 26 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #DJ should exceed 33259.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 26 years) a potential move toward 35187.68(Average Objective).

Dow Jones Transportation
The #TRAN(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 13331.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 14631.00(Month Close), that being 92%(Pct Range) off of 13021.00(Month Low) to 14775.00(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Dow Jones Transportation also closed higher in March than February in 29(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 29, the #TRAN went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 25 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #TRAN should exceed 14775.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 25 years) a potential move toward 15993.99(Average Objective).

Dow Jones Utilities
The #UTIL(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 795.60(Prev Close), the market ended March at 880.35(Month Close), that being 94%(Pct Range) off of 792.10(Month Low) to 886.10(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Dow Jones Utilities also closed higher in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, the #UTIL went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 26 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #UTIL should exceed 886.10(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 26 years) a potential move toward 925.60(Average Objective).

NASDAQ 100 Index
The #NQ(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 12909.25(Prev Close), the market ended March at 13091.25(Month Close), that being 81%(Pct Range) off of 12208.25(Month Low) to 13301.50(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 35 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the NASDAQ 100 Index also closed higher in March than February in 22(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 22, the #NQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #NQ should exceed 13301.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 14328.18(Average Objective).

Value Line Index
The #VLE(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 8714.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 9080.00(Month Close), that being 66%(Pct Range) off of 8515.00(Month Low) to 9373.00(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 38 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Value Line Index also closed higher in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, the #VLE went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 24 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #VLE should exceed 9373.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 24 years) a potential move toward 9899.89(Average Objective).

Nikkei 225 Index
The #SSNI(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 28966(Prev Close), the market ended March at 29179(Month Close), that being 40%(Pct Range) off of 28309(Month Low) to 30485(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Nikkei 225 Index also closed higher in March than February in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, the #SSNI went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 96%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #SSNI should exceed 30485(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 32338(Average Objective).

June S & P 500(CME)
The SPM1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 3799.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 3967.50(Month Close), that being 95%(Pct Range) off of 3755.50(Month Low) to 3977.50(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 38 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June S & P 500(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, SPM went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SPM should exceed 3977.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 4196.79(Average Objective).

June NASDAQ 100 E-Mini(CME)
The NQM1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 12900.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 13089.75(Month Close), that being 80%(Pct Range) off of 12200.00(Month Low) to 13316.75(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 24 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June NASDAQ 100 E-Mini(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, NQM went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 12 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NQM should exceed 13316.75(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 12 years) a potential move toward 14180.70(Average Objective).

June E-mini DJIA Index(CBOT)
The YMM1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 30800(Prev Close), the market ended March at 32898(Month Close), that being 91%(Pct Range) off of 30409(Month Low) to 33134(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 22 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June E-mini DJIA Index(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 13(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 13, YMM went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 13 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the YMM should exceed 33134(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 13 years) a potential move toward 35074(Average Objective).

June Japanese Yen(CME)
The JYM1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 93.89(Prev Close), the market ended March at 90.36(Month Close), that being 5%(Pct Range) off of 90.18(Month Low) to 94.12(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 44 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June Japanese Yen(CME) also closed lower in March than February in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, JYM went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the JYM should penetrate 90.18(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 87.17(Average Objective).

June Swiss Franc(CME)
The SFM1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 110.31(Prev Close), the market ended March at 105.95(Month Close), that being 1%(Pct Range) off of 105.92(Month Low) to 110.54(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June Swiss Franc(CME) also closed lower in March than February in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, SFM went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SFM should penetrate 105.92(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 101.90(Average Objective).

July NY Harbor ULSD(NYM)
The HON1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 182.50(Prev Close), the market ended March at 177.61(Month Close), that being 16%(Pct Range) off of 173.67(Month Low) to 197.57(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 41 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July NY Harbor ULSD(NYM) also closed lower in March than February in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, HON went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 12 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HON should penetrate 173.67(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 12 years) a potential move toward 158.54(Average Objective).

August NY Harbor ULSD(NYM)
The HOQ1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 182.27(Prev Close), the market ended March at 177.94(Month Close), that being 17%(Pct Range) off of 174.01(Month Low) to 197.28(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 41 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August NY Harbor ULSD(NYM) also closed lower in March than February in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, HOQ went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 12 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HOQ should penetrate 174.01(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 12 years) a potential move toward 159.44(Average Objective).

July RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBN1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 189.91(Prev Close), the market ended March at 193.75(Month Close), that being 35%(Pct Range) off of 184.92(Month Low) to 209.81(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 35 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, RBN went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBN should exceed 209.81(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 231.12(Average Objective).

August RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBQ1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 187.10(Prev Close), the market ended March at 191.48(Month Close), that being 36%(Pct Range) off of 182.97(Month Low) to 206.39(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 35 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, RBQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBQ should exceed 206.39(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 225.64(Average Objective).

July Natural Gas(NYM)
The NGN1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 2.919(Prev Close), the market ended March at 2.732(Month Close), that being 35%(Pct Range) off of 2.585(Month Low) to 3.007(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 30 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Natural Gas(NYM) also closed lower in March than February in 10(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 10, NGN went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 10 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NGN should penetrate 2.585(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 10 years) a potential move toward 2.339(Average Objective).

August Natural Gas(NYM)
The NGQ1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 2.938(Prev Close), the market ended March at 2.753(Month Close), that being 35%(Pct Range) off of 2.605(Month Low) to 3.025(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 30 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August Natural Gas(NYM) also closed lower in March than February in 10(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 10, NGQ went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 10 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NGQ should penetrate 2.605(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 10 years) a potential move toward 2.375(Average Objective).

July Soybean Oil(CBOT)
The BON1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 48.80(Prev Close), the market ended March at 50.76(Month Close), that being 45%(Pct Range) off of 47.65(Month Low) to 54.63(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Soybean Oil(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, BON went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the BON should exceed 54.63(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 59.51(Average Objective).

July Corn(CBOT)
The CN1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 535.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 547.50(Month Close), that being 100%(Pct Range) off of 518.25(Month Low) to 547.50(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Corn(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, CN went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 96%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CN should exceed 547.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 580.18(Average Objective).

September Corn(CBOT)
The CU1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 489.50(Prev Close), the market ended March at 496.00(Month Close), that being 78%(Pct Range) off of 467.50(Month Low) to 504.25(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Corn(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, CU went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CU should exceed 504.25(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 536.17(Average Objective).

August Live Cattle(CME)
The LCQ1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 117.050(Prev Close), the market ended March at 121.980(Month Close), that being 95%(Pct Range) off of 115.585(Month Low) to 122.350(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August Live Cattle(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, LCQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the LCQ should exceed 122.350(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 130.602(Average Objective).

August Feeder Cattle(CME)
The FCQ1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 151.950(Prev Close), the market ended March at 157.280(Month Close), that being 67%(Pct Range) off of 149.885(Month Low) to 160.900(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August Feeder Cattle(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, FCQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the FCQ should exceed 160.900(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 170.126(Average Objective).

September Feeder Cattle(CME)
The FCU1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 152.830(Prev Close), the market ended March at 157.800(Month Close), that being 70%(Pct Range) off of 150.850(Month Low) to 160.780(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Feeder Cattle(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, FCU went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 95%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the FCU should exceed 160.780(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 169.242(Average Objective).

July Lean Hogs(CME)
The HEN1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 94.550(Prev Close), the market ended March at 104.680(Month Close), that being 95%(Pct Range) off of 93.480(Month Low) to 105.230(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Lean Hogs(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, HEN went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HEN should exceed 105.230(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 114.053(Average Objective).

August Lean Hogs(CME)
The HEQ1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 93.630(Prev Close), the market ended March at 102.180(Month Close), that being 99%(Pct Range) off of 92.830(Month Low) to 102.300(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August Lean Hogs(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, HEQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 20 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HEQ should exceed 102.300(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 20 years) a potential move toward 110.847(Average Objective).

July Coffee "C"(ICE)
The KCN1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 139.30(Prev Close), the market ended March at 125.40(Month Close), that being 15%(Pct Range) off of 122.55(Month Low) to 141.60(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Coffee "C"(ICE) also closed lower in March than February in 22(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 22, KCN went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the KCN should penetrate 122.55(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 112.25(Average Objective).

July Sugar #11(ICE)
The SBN1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 15.85(Prev Close), the market ended March at 14.77(Month Close), that being 6%(Pct Range) off of 14.68(Month Low) to 16.10(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Sugar #11(ICE) also closed lower in March than February in 27(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 27, SBN went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SBN should penetrate 14.68(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 12.50(Average Objective).

October Sugar #11(ICE)
The SBV1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 15.60(Prev Close), the market ended March at 14.78(Month Close), that being 6%(Pct Range) off of 14.71(Month Low) to 15.95(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the October Sugar #11(ICE) also closed lower in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, SBV went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SBV should penetrate 14.71(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 12.71(Average Objective).

September Rough Rice(CBOT)
The RRU1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 12.76(Prev Close), the market ended March at 13.00(Month Close), that being 98%(Pct Range) off of 12.71(Month Low) to 13.00(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 34 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Rough Rice(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, RRU went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RRU should exceed 13.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 14.06(Average Objective).

DJIA Index
The #DJ(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 30932.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 32982.00(Month Close), that being 90%(Pct Range) off of 30548.00(Month Low) to 33259.00(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the DJIA Index also closed higher in March than February in 29(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 29, the #DJ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 26 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #DJ should exceed 33259.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 26 years) a potential move toward 35187.68(Average Objective).

Dow Jones Transportation
The #TRAN(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 13331.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 14631.00(Month Close), that being 92%(Pct Range) off of 13021.00(Month Low) to 14775.00(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Dow Jones Transportation also closed higher in March than February in 29(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 29, the #TRAN went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 25 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #TRAN should exceed 14775.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 25 years) a potential move toward 15993.99(Average Objective).

Dow Jones Utilities
The #UTIL(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 795.60(Prev Close), the market ended March at 880.35(Month Close), that being 94%(Pct Range) off of 792.10(Month Low) to 886.10(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Dow Jones Utilities also closed higher in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, the #UTIL went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 26 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #UTIL should exceed 886.10(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 26 years) a potential move toward 925.60(Average Objective).

NASDAQ 100 Index
The #NQ(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 12909.25(Prev Close), the market ended March at 13091.25(Month Close), that being 81%(Pct Range) off of 12208.25(Month Low) to 13301.50(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 35 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the NASDAQ 100 Index also closed higher in March than February in 22(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 22, the #NQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #NQ should exceed 13301.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 14328.18(Average Objective).

Value Line Index
The #VLE(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 8714.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 9080.00(Month Close), that being 66%(Pct Range) off of 8515.00(Month Low) to 9373.00(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 38 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Value Line Index also closed higher in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, the #VLE went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 24 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #VLE should exceed 9373.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 24 years) a potential move toward 9899.89(Average Objective).

Nikkei 225 Index
The #SSNI(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 28966(Prev Close), the market ended March at 29179(Month Close), that being 40%(Pct Range) off of 28309(Month Low) to 30485(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Nikkei 225 Index also closed higher in March than February in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, the #SSNI went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 96%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #SSNI should exceed 30485(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 32338(Average Objective).

June S & P 500(CME)
The SPM1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 3799.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 3967.50(Month Close), that being 95%(Pct Range) off of 3755.50(Month Low) to 3977.50(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 38 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June S & P 500(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, SPM went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SPM should exceed 3977.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 4196.79(Average Objective).

June NASDAQ 100 E-Mini(CME)
The NQM1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 12900.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 13089.75(Month Close), that being 80%(Pct Range) off of 12200.00(Month Low) to 13316.75(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 24 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June NASDAQ 100 E-Mini(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, NQM went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 12 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NQM should exceed 13316.75(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 12 years) a potential move toward 14180.70(Average Objective).

June E-mini DJIA Index(CBOT)
The YMM1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 30800(Prev Close), the market ended March at 32898(Month Close), that being 91%(Pct Range) off of 30409(Month Low) to 33134(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 22 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June E-mini DJIA Index(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 13(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 13, YMM went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 13 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the YMM should exceed 33134(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 13 years) a potential move toward 35074(Average Objective).

June Japanese Yen(CME)
The JYM1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 93.89(Prev Close), the market ended March at 90.36(Month Close), that being 5%(Pct Range) off of 90.18(Month Low) to 94.12(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 44 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June Japanese Yen(CME) also closed lower in March than February in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, JYM went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the JYM should penetrate 90.18(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 87.17(Average Objective).

June Swiss Franc(CME)
The SFM1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 110.31(Prev Close), the market ended March at 105.95(Month Close), that being 1%(Pct Range) off of 105.92(Month Low) to 110.54(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the June Swiss Franc(CME) also closed lower in March than February in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, SFM went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SFM should penetrate 105.92(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 101.90(Average Objective).

July NY Harbor ULSD(NYM)
The HON1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 182.50(Prev Close), the market ended March at 177.61(Month Close), that being 16%(Pct Range) off of 173.67(Month Low) to 197.57(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 41 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July NY Harbor ULSD(NYM) also closed lower in March than February in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, HON went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 12 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HON should penetrate 173.67(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 12 years) a potential move toward 158.54(Average Objective).

August NY Harbor ULSD(NYM)
The HOQ1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 182.27(Prev Close), the market ended March at 177.94(Month Close), that being 17%(Pct Range) off of 174.01(Month Low) to 197.28(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 41 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August NY Harbor ULSD(NYM) also closed lower in March than February in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, HOQ went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 12 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HOQ should penetrate 174.01(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 12 years) a potential move toward 159.44(Average Objective).

July RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBN1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 189.91(Prev Close), the market ended March at 193.75(Month Close), that being 35%(Pct Range) off of 184.92(Month Low) to 209.81(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 35 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, RBN went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBN should exceed 209.81(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 231.12(Average Objective).

August RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBQ1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 187.10(Prev Close), the market ended March at 191.48(Month Close), that being 36%(Pct Range) off of 182.97(Month Low) to 206.39(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 35 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, RBQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBQ should exceed 206.39(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 225.64(Average Objective).

July Natural Gas(NYM)
The NGN1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 2.919(Prev Close), the market ended March at 2.732(Month Close), that being 35%(Pct Range) off of 2.585(Month Low) to 3.007(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 30 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Natural Gas(NYM) also closed lower in March than February in 10(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 10, NGN went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 10 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NGN should penetrate 2.585(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 10 years) a potential move toward 2.339(Average Objective).

August Natural Gas(NYM)
The NGQ1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 2.938(Prev Close), the market ended March at 2.753(Month Close), that being 35%(Pct Range) off of 2.605(Month Low) to 3.025(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 30 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August Natural Gas(NYM) also closed lower in March than February in 10(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 10, NGQ went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 10 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NGQ should penetrate 2.605(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 10 years) a potential move toward 2.375(Average Objective).

July Soybean Oil(CBOT)
The BON1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 48.80(Prev Close), the market ended March at 50.76(Month Close), that being 45%(Pct Range) off of 47.65(Month Low) to 54.63(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Soybean Oil(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, BON went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the BON should exceed 54.63(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 59.51(Average Objective).

July Corn(CBOT)
The CN1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 535.00(Prev Close), the market ended March at 547.50(Month Close), that being 100%(Pct Range) off of 518.25(Month Low) to 547.50(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Corn(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, CN went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 96%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CN should exceed 547.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 580.18(Average Objective).

September Corn(CBOT)
The CU1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 489.50(Prev Close), the market ended March at 496.00(Month Close), that being 78%(Pct Range) off of 467.50(Month Low) to 504.25(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Corn(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, CU went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CU should exceed 504.25(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 536.17(Average Objective).

August Live Cattle(CME)
The LCQ1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 117.050(Prev Close), the market ended March at 121.980(Month Close), that being 95%(Pct Range) off of 115.585(Month Low) to 122.350(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August Live Cattle(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, LCQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the LCQ should exceed 122.350(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 130.602(Average Objective).

August Feeder Cattle(CME)
The FCQ1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 151.950(Prev Close), the market ended March at 157.280(Month Close), that being 67%(Pct Range) off of 149.885(Month Low) to 160.900(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August Feeder Cattle(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, FCQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the FCQ should exceed 160.900(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 170.126(Average Objective).

September Feeder Cattle(CME)
The FCU1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 152.830(Prev Close), the market ended March at 157.800(Month Close), that being 70%(Pct Range) off of 150.850(Month Low) to 160.780(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Feeder Cattle(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, FCU went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 95%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the FCU should exceed 160.780(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 169.242(Average Objective).

July Lean Hogs(CME)
The HEN1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 94.550(Prev Close), the market ended March at 104.680(Month Close), that being 95%(Pct Range) off of 93.480(Month Low) to 105.230(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Lean Hogs(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 24(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 24, HEN went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HEN should exceed 105.230(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 114.053(Average Objective).

August Lean Hogs(CME)
The HEQ1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 93.630(Prev Close), the market ended March at 102.180(Month Close), that being 99%(Pct Range) off of 92.830(Month Low) to 102.300(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the August Lean Hogs(CME) also closed higher in March than February in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, HEQ went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 20 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HEQ should exceed 102.300(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 20 years) a potential move toward 110.847(Average Objective).

July Coffee "C"(ICE)
The KCN1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 139.30(Prev Close), the market ended March at 125.40(Month Close), that being 15%(Pct Range) off of 122.55(Month Low) to 141.60(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Coffee "C"(ICE) also closed lower in March than February in 22(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 22, KCN went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the KCN should penetrate 122.55(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 112.25(Average Objective).

July Sugar #11(ICE)
The SBN1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 15.85(Prev Close), the market ended March at 14.77(Month Close), that being 6%(Pct Range) off of 14.68(Month Low) to 16.10(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the July Sugar #11(ICE) also closed lower in March than February in 27(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 27, SBN went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SBN should penetrate 14.68(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 12.50(Average Objective).

October Sugar #11(ICE)
The SBV1(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 15.60(Prev Close), the market ended March at 14.78(Month Close), that being 6%(Pct Range) off of 14.71(Month Low) to 15.95(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the October Sugar #11(ICE) also closed lower in March than February in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, SBV went on to penetrate the March low within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SBV should penetrate 14.71(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 12.71(Average Objective).

September Rough Rice(CBOT)
The RRU1(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for March(Month). Compared to February's 12.76(Prev Close), the market ended March at 13.00(Month Close), that being 98%(Pct Range) off of 12.71(Month Low) to 13.00(Month High).

In comparing the February/March closes for each of the last 34 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the September Rough Rice(CBOT) also closed higher in March than February in 21(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 21, RRU went on to exceed the March high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 90%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RRU should exceed 13.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of May. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 14.06(Average Objective).



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