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MRCI's Scenario Summary

MRCI's ScenarioSM Summary

Copyright © 1989- Moore Research Center, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ScenarioSM Summary Sep 30, 2019
Historical Data Scenario Data Current Market Data




#DJ Higher Sep 26403.00 27307.00 25978.00 26917.00 71% 45 17 15 88% 27307.00 28751.80 26917.00
#TRAN Higher Sep 10127.00 10857.00 9910.00 10364.00 48% 45 18 17 94% 10857.00 11793.57 10364.00
#UTIL Higher Sep 845.50 882.35 837.75 878.65 92% 45 25 23 92% 882.35 928.04 878.65
#NQ Higher Sep 7691.00 7975.25 7584.75 7749.25 42% 33 19 18 95% 7975.25 8596.40 7749.25
#MZ Higher Sep 1881.20 1976.20 1848.50 1935.50 68% 13 7 6 86% 1976.20 2083.86 1935.50
#VLE Higher Sep 5957.70 6368.60 5859.60 6188.10 65% 36 19 16 84% 6368.60 6691.30 6188.10
#SSNI Higher Sep 20704 22256 20554 21756 71% 45 20 19 95% 22256 23327 21756
#SP Higher Sep 2926.45 3022.00 2891.85 2976.75 65% 45 20 17 85% 3022.00 3218.95 2976.75
SPZ9 Higher Sep 2925.60 3025.30 2895.00 2978.50 64% 37 17 15 88% 3025.30 3184.44 2978.50
NQZ9 Higher Sep 7707.50 8002.50 7599.25 7770.50 42% 23 13 12 92% 8002.50 8701.71 7770.50
YMZ9 Higher Sep 26382 27312 25964 26901 70% 21 10 10 100% 27312 28690 26901
TUZ9 Lower Sep 108~017 108~071 107~123 107~240 43% 29 8 7 88% 107~123 107~003 107~240
ADZ9 Higher Sep 67.47 69.11 67.08 67.68 30% 32 17 15 88% 69.11 71.74 67.68
EUZ9 Lower Sep 110.65 111.84 109.45 109.63 8% 20 9 9 100% 109.45 105.67 109.63
JYZ9 Lower Sep 94.79 95.24 92.73 92.98 10% 42 20 19 95% 92.73 89.46 92.98
SFZ9 Lower Sep 101.88 102.99 100.76 100.82 3% 44 16 14 88% 100.76 97.14 100.82
DXZ9 Higher Sep 98.418 99.115 97.560 99.020 94% 33 14 14 100% 99.115 102.326 99.020
PAZ9 Higher Sep 1539.20 1669.40 1514.00 1647.50 86% 42 23 20 87% 1669.40 1873.88 1647.50
RBF0 Higher Sep 147.20 169.90 141.05 150.98 34% 34 19 18 95% 169.90 179.68 150.98
RBG0 Higher Sep 147.48 169.27 141.48 150.92 34% 34 19 16 84% 169.27 179.05 150.92
RBH0 Higher Sep 148.95 169.92 143.11 152.19 34% 33 17 16 94% 169.92 179.17 152.19
NGF0 Higher Sep 2.588 2.978 2.577 2.622 11% 29 15 13 87% 2.978 3.380 2.622
NGG0 Higher Sep 2.556 2.917 2.548 2.588 11% 29 14 12 86% 2.917 3.284 2.588
BOF0 Higher Sep 29.00 30.62 28.41 29.31 41% 45 19 16 84% 30.62 33.29 29.31
BOH0 Higher Sep 29.27 30.89 28.69 29.59 41% 45 19 16 84% 30.89 33.52 29.59
CZ9 Higher Sep 369.75 388.25 352.25 388.00 99% 45 17 15 88% 388.25 427.53 388.00
CH0 Higher Sep 382.25 399.75 365.75 399.50 99% 45 16 15 94% 399.75 436.71 399.50
KWZ9 Higher Sep 397.25 420.00 381.00 415.00 87% 43 26 22 85% 420.00 447.34 415.00
KWH0 Higher Sep 413.50 432.50 397.50 428.25 88% 43 26 23 88% 432.50 458.73 428.25
OZ9 Higher Sep 269.00 286.00 264.50 275.75 52% 45 25 21 84% 286.00 327.88 275.75
OH0 Higher Sep 273.75 285.00 268.75 279.50 66% 45 23 20 87% 285.00 317.50 279.50
LCZ9 Higher Sep 103.680 110.750 98.200 110.300 96% 45 25 23 92% 110.750 115.754 110.300
LCG0 Higher Sep 109.030 116.700 105.135 116.635 99% 45 27 25 93% 116.700 121.578 116.635
FCF0 Higher Sep 128.500 139.000 126.000 138.330 95% 42 23 21 91% 139.000 144.770 138.330
HEZ9 Higher Sep 63.380 72.730 57.780 72.600 99% 45 30 26 87% 72.730 78.784 72.600
HEG0 Higher Sep 71.430 78.180 65.450 78.000 99% 45 29 25 86% 78.180 84.615 78.000
KCH0 Higher Sep 100.30 108.45 97.65 104.70 65% 45 16 15 94% 108.45 123.16 104.70
KCK0 Higher Sep 102.55 110.75 99.90 107.00 65% 45 17 15 88% 110.75 125.19 107.00
SBH0 Higher Sep 12.23 12.85 11.74 12.65 82% 45 20 17 85% 12.85 14.93 12.65
SBK0 Higher Sep 12.38 12.92 11.89 12.75 83% 45 22 19 86% 12.92 14.65 12.75

DJIA Index
The #DJ(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 26403.00(Prev Close), the market ended September at 26917.00(Month Close), that being 71%(Pct Range) off of 25978.00(Month Low) to 27307.00(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the DJIA Index also closed higher in September than August in 17(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 17, the #DJ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 15 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #DJ should exceed 27307.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 15 years) a potential move toward 28751.80(Average Objective).

Dow Jones Transportation
The #TRAN(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 10127.00(Prev Close), the market ended September at 10364.00(Month Close), that being 48%(Pct Range) off of 9910.00(Month Low) to 10857.00(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Dow Jones Transportation also closed higher in September than August in 18(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 18, the #TRAN went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 94%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #TRAN should exceed 10857.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 11793.57(Average Objective).

Dow Jones Utilities
The #UTIL(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 845.50(Prev Close), the market ended September at 878.65(Month Close), that being 92%(Pct Range) off of 837.75(Month Low) to 882.35(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Dow Jones Utilities also closed higher in September than August in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, the #UTIL went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #UTIL should exceed 882.35(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 928.04(Average Objective).

NASDAQ 100 Index
The #NQ(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 7691.00(Prev Close), the market ended September at 7749.25(Month Close), that being 42%(Pct Range) off of 7584.75(Month Low) to 7975.25(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 33 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the NASDAQ 100 Index also closed higher in September than August in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, the #NQ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 95%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #NQ should exceed 7975.25(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 8596.40(Average Objective).

S&P MidCap 400 Index
The #MZ(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 1881.20(Prev Close), the market ended September at 1935.50(Month Close), that being 68%(Pct Range) off of 1848.50(Month Low) to 1976.20(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 13 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the S&P MidCap 400 Index also closed higher in September than August in 7(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 7, the #MZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 6 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #MZ should exceed 1976.20(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 6 years) a potential move toward 2083.86(Average Objective).

Value Line Index
The #VLE(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 5957.70(Prev Close), the market ended September at 6188.10(Month Close), that being 65%(Pct Range) off of 5859.60(Month Low) to 6368.60(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 36 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Value Line Index also closed higher in September than August in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, the #VLE went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #VLE should exceed 6368.60(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 6691.30(Average Objective).

Nikkei 225 Index
The #SSNI(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 20704(Prev Close), the market ended September at 21756(Month Close), that being 71%(Pct Range) off of 20554(Month Low) to 22256(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the Nikkei 225 Index also closed higher in September than August in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, the #SSNI went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 95%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #SSNI should exceed 22256(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 23327(Average Objective).

S & P 500 Stock Index
The #SP(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 2926.45(Prev Close), the market ended September at 2976.75(Month Close), that being 65%(Pct Range) off of 2891.85(Month Low) to 3022.00(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the S & P 500 Stock Index also closed higher in September than August in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, the #SP went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the the #SP should exceed 3022.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 3218.95(Average Objective).

December S & P 500(CME)
The SPZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 2925.60(Prev Close), the market ended September at 2978.50(Month Close), that being 64%(Pct Range) off of 2895.00(Month Low) to 3025.30(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 37 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December S & P 500(CME) also closed higher in September than August in 17(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 17, SPZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 15 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SPZ should exceed 3025.30(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 15 years) a potential move toward 3184.44(Average Objective).

December NASDAQ 100 E-Mini(CME)
The NQZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 7707.50(Prev Close), the market ended September at 7770.50(Month Close), that being 42%(Pct Range) off of 7599.25(Month Low) to 8002.50(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 23 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December NASDAQ 100 E-Mini(CME) also closed higher in September than August in 13(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 13, NQZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 12 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NQZ should exceed 8002.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 12 years) a potential move toward 8701.71(Average Objective).

December E-mini DJIA Index(CBOT)
The YMZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 26382(Prev Close), the market ended September at 26901(Month Close), that being 70%(Pct Range) off of 25964(Month Low) to 27312(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 21 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December E-mini DJIA Index(CBOT) also closed higher in September than August in 10(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 10, YMZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 10 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the YMZ should exceed 27312(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 10 years) a potential move toward 28690(Average Objective).

December 2 Year T-Notes(CBOT)
The TUZ9(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 108~017(Prev Close), the market ended September at 107~240(Month Close), that being 43%(Pct Range) off of 107~123(Month Low) to 108~071(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 29 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December 2 Year T-Notes(CBOT) also closed lower in September than August in 8(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 8, TUZ went on to penetrate the September low within the next 2 months in 7 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the TUZ should penetrate 107~123(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 7 years) a potential move toward 107~003(Average Objective).

December Australian Dollar(CME)
The ADZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 67.47(Prev Close), the market ended September at 67.68(Month Close), that being 30%(Pct Range) off of 67.08(Month Low) to 69.11(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 32 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Australian Dollar(CME) also closed higher in September than August in 17(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 17, ADZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 15 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the ADZ should exceed 69.11(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 15 years) a potential move toward 71.74(Average Objective).

December EuroFX(CME)
The EUZ9(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 110.65(Prev Close), the market ended September at 109.63(Month Close), that being 8%(Pct Range) off of 109.45(Month Low) to 111.84(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 20 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December EuroFX(CME) also closed lower in September than August in 9(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 9, EUZ went on to penetrate the September low within the next 2 months in 9 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the EUZ should penetrate 109.45(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 9 years) a potential move toward 105.67(Average Objective).

December Japanese Yen(CME)
The JYZ9(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 94.79(Prev Close), the market ended September at 92.98(Month Close), that being 10%(Pct Range) off of 92.73(Month Low) to 95.24(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 42 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Japanese Yen(CME) also closed lower in September than August in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, JYZ went on to penetrate the September low within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 95%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the JYZ should penetrate 92.73(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 89.46(Average Objective).

December Swiss Franc(CME)
The SFZ9(Mkt) ended Lower(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 101.88(Prev Close), the market ended September at 100.82(Month Close), that being 3%(Pct Range) off of 100.76(Month Low) to 102.99(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 44 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Swiss Franc(CME) also closed lower in September than August in 16(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 16, SFZ went on to penetrate the September low within the next 2 months in 14 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SFZ should penetrate 100.76(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 14 years) a potential move toward 97.14(Average Objective).

December US Dollar Index(ICE)
The DXZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 98.418(Prev Close), the market ended September at 99.020(Month Close), that being 94%(Pct Range) off of 97.560(Month Low) to 99.115(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 33 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December US Dollar Index(ICE) also closed higher in September than August in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, DXZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 14 years(Action Years) or 100%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the DXZ should exceed 99.115(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 14 years) a potential move toward 102.326(Average Objective).

December Palladium(NYMEX)
The PAZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 1539.20(Prev Close), the market ended September at 1647.50(Month Close), that being 86%(Pct Range) off of 1514.00(Month Low) to 1669.40(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 42 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Palladium(NYMEX) also closed higher in September than August in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, PAZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 20 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the PAZ should exceed 1669.40(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 20 years) a potential move toward 1873.88(Average Objective).

January RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBF0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 147.20(Prev Close), the market ended September at 150.98(Month Close), that being 34%(Pct Range) off of 141.05(Month Low) to 169.90(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 34 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the January RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in September than August in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, RBF went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 18 years(Action Years) or 95%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBF should exceed 169.90(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 18 years) a potential move toward 179.68(Average Objective).

February RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBG0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 147.48(Prev Close), the market ended September at 150.92(Month Close), that being 34%(Pct Range) off of 141.48(Month Low) to 169.27(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 34 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the February RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in September than August in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, RBG went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBG should exceed 169.27(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 179.05(Average Objective).

March RBOB Gasoline(NYM)
The RBH0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 148.95(Prev Close), the market ended September at 152.19(Month Close), that being 34%(Pct Range) off of 143.11(Month Low) to 169.92(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 33 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March RBOB Gasoline(NYM) also closed higher in September than August in 17(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 17, RBH went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 94%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the RBH should exceed 169.92(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 179.17(Average Objective).

January Natural Gas(NYM)
The NGF0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 2.588(Prev Close), the market ended September at 2.622(Month Close), that being 11%(Pct Range) off of 2.577(Month Low) to 2.978(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 29 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the January Natural Gas(NYM) also closed higher in September than August in 15(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 15, NGF went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 13 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NGF should exceed 2.978(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 13 years) a potential move toward 3.380(Average Objective).

February Natural Gas(NYM)
The NGG0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 2.556(Prev Close), the market ended September at 2.588(Month Close), that being 11%(Pct Range) off of 2.548(Month Low) to 2.917(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 29 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the February Natural Gas(NYM) also closed higher in September than August in 14(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 14, NGG went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 12 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the NGG should exceed 2.917(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 12 years) a potential move toward 3.284(Average Objective).

January Soybean Oil(CBOT)
The BOF0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 29.00(Prev Close), the market ended September at 29.31(Month Close), that being 41%(Pct Range) off of 28.41(Month Low) to 30.62(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the January Soybean Oil(CBOT) also closed higher in September than August in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, BOF went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the BOF should exceed 30.62(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 33.29(Average Objective).

March Soybean Oil(CBOT)
The BOH0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 29.27(Prev Close), the market ended September at 29.59(Month Close), that being 41%(Pct Range) off of 28.69(Month Low) to 30.89(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Soybean Oil(CBOT) also closed higher in September than August in 19(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 19, BOH went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 16 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the BOH should exceed 30.89(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 16 years) a potential move toward 33.52(Average Objective).

December Corn(CBOT)
The CZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 369.75(Prev Close), the market ended September at 388.00(Month Close), that being 99%(Pct Range) off of 352.25(Month Low) to 388.25(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Corn(CBOT) also closed higher in September than August in 17(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 17, CZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 15 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CZ should exceed 388.25(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 15 years) a potential move toward 427.53(Average Objective).

March Corn(CBOT)
The CH0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 382.25(Prev Close), the market ended September at 399.50(Month Close), that being 99%(Pct Range) off of 365.75(Month Low) to 399.75(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Corn(CBOT) also closed higher in September than August in 16(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 16, CH went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 15 years(Action Years) or 94%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the CH should exceed 399.75(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 15 years) a potential move toward 436.71(Average Objective).

December Wheat(KCBT)
The KWZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 397.25(Prev Close), the market ended September at 415.00(Month Close), that being 87%(Pct Range) off of 381.00(Month Low) to 420.00(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 43 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Wheat(KCBT) also closed higher in September than August in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, KWZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 22 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the KWZ should exceed 420.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 22 years) a potential move toward 447.34(Average Objective).

March Wheat(KCBT)
The KWH0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 413.50(Prev Close), the market ended September at 428.25(Month Close), that being 88%(Pct Range) off of 397.50(Month Low) to 432.50(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 43 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Wheat(KCBT) also closed higher in September than August in 26(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 26, KWH went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the KWH should exceed 432.50(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 458.73(Average Objective).

December Oats(CBOT)
The OZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 269.00(Prev Close), the market ended September at 275.75(Month Close), that being 52%(Pct Range) off of 264.50(Month Low) to 286.00(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Oats(CBOT) also closed higher in September than August in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, OZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 84%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the OZ should exceed 286.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 327.88(Average Objective).

March Oats(CBOT)
The OH0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 273.75(Prev Close), the market ended September at 279.50(Month Close), that being 66%(Pct Range) off of 268.75(Month Low) to 285.00(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Oats(CBOT) also closed higher in September than August in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, OH went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 20 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the OH should exceed 285.00(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 20 years) a potential move toward 317.50(Average Objective).

December Live Cattle(CME)
The LCZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 103.680(Prev Close), the market ended September at 110.300(Month Close), that being 96%(Pct Range) off of 98.200(Month Low) to 110.750(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Live Cattle(CME) also closed higher in September than August in 25(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 25, LCZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 23 years(Action Years) or 92%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the LCZ should exceed 110.750(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 23 years) a potential move toward 115.754(Average Objective).

February Live Cattle(CME)
The LCG0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 109.030(Prev Close), the market ended September at 116.635(Month Close), that being 99%(Pct Range) off of 105.135(Month Low) to 116.700(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the February Live Cattle(CME) also closed higher in September than August in 27(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 27, LCG went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 25 years(Action Years) or 93%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the LCG should exceed 116.700(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 25 years) a potential move toward 121.578(Average Objective).

January Feeder Cattle(CME)
The FCF0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 128.500(Prev Close), the market ended September at 138.330(Month Close), that being 95%(Pct Range) off of 126.000(Month Low) to 139.000(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 42 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the January Feeder Cattle(CME) also closed higher in September than August in 23(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 23, FCF went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 21 years(Action Years) or 91%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the FCF should exceed 139.000(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 21 years) a potential move toward 144.770(Average Objective).

December Lean Hogs(CME)
The HEZ9(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 63.380(Prev Close), the market ended September at 72.600(Month Close), that being 99%(Pct Range) off of 57.780(Month Low) to 72.730(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the December Lean Hogs(CME) also closed higher in September than August in 30(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 30, HEZ went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 26 years(Action Years) or 87%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HEZ should exceed 72.730(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 26 years) a potential move toward 78.784(Average Objective).

February Lean Hogs(CME)
The HEG0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 71.430(Prev Close), the market ended September at 78.000(Month Close), that being 99%(Pct Range) off of 65.450(Month Low) to 78.180(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the February Lean Hogs(CME) also closed higher in September than August in 29(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 29, HEG went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 25 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the HEG should exceed 78.180(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 25 years) a potential move toward 84.615(Average Objective).

March Coffee "C"(ICE)
The KCH0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 100.30(Prev Close), the market ended September at 104.70(Month Close), that being 65%(Pct Range) off of 97.65(Month Low) to 108.45(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Coffee "C"(ICE) also closed higher in September than August in 16(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 16, KCH went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 15 years(Action Years) or 94%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the KCH should exceed 108.45(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 15 years) a potential move toward 123.16(Average Objective).

May Coffee "C"(ICE)
The KCK0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 102.55(Prev Close), the market ended September at 107.00(Month Close), that being 65%(Pct Range) off of 99.90(Month Low) to 110.75(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the May Coffee "C"(ICE) also closed higher in September than August in 17(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 17, KCK went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 15 years(Action Years) or 88%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the KCK should exceed 110.75(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 15 years) a potential move toward 125.19(Average Objective).

March Sugar #11(ICE)
The SBH0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 12.23(Prev Close), the market ended September at 12.65(Month Close), that being 82%(Pct Range) off of 11.74(Month Low) to 12.85(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the March Sugar #11(ICE) also closed higher in September than August in 20(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 20, SBH went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 17 years(Action Years) or 85%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SBH should exceed 12.85(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 17 years) a potential move toward 14.93(Average Objective).

May Sugar #11(ICE)
The SBK0(Mkt) ended Higher(Cond) for September(Month). Compared to August's 12.38(Prev Close), the market ended September at 12.75(Month Close), that being 83%(Pct Range) off of 11.89(Month Low) to 12.92(Month High).

In comparing the August/September closes for each of the last 45 years(Total Years), Scenario found that the May Sugar #11(ICE) also closed higher in September than August in 22(Cond Years) of those years. Of those 22, SBK went on to exceed the September high within the next 2 months in 19 years(Action Years) or 86%(Pct) of the time.

Therefore, the historical odds are high that the SBK should exceed 12.92(Scenario Objective) by no later than the end of November. If it does so, Scenario would further project (based on normalizing those previous 19 years) a potential move toward 14.65(Average Objective).



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