Soybean/Grain Spread Report & MRCI Spread Charts

Wednesday, 16 March 2011 12:53 Brendan Hobbs

1. Does MRCI still offer the Soybean/Grain Spread Special Historical Report?

Unfortunately we are no longer creating new Soybean/Grain Spread Reports.

However our main subscription service, MRCI Online has Special Spread Charts that we think may interest you.
Please follow this link to a sample of our Soybean/Corn Spread File:

MRCI Special Spread Charts offer convenient, flip-through files containing daily and monthly charts for several spreads in a market or complex. To help you become even more familiar with how the current market is behaving now compared to the past, each daily chart is not only overlaid with its 15-year seasonal pattern but also shows the 5-, 15-, and up-to-30-year seasonal pattern below. To help you project a market's potential, any correlation patterns available are also displayed. Thus, in one easy-to-use file, you can see a market's past prices, compare its present behavior, and visualize its possible future. Charts are updated daily - after the close!


2. I can NOT find some of the seasonal charts for the strategy tables in my old Soybean Grain Spreads Report ?
For example....

I would assume when looking at your charts you are buying the 1st month selling the 2nd is this correct?
Example: Mar Soybeans CBOT Mar Corn CBOT Ratio 15 Year Seasonal Chart
. I see no Buy 5 Sell 2 seasonal charts at all.

Which soybean/corn ratio spread is appropriate always depends on where prices are trading in a given year. More often than not, we
suspect, the 2:1 is more generally used, not least among the reasons for which is esser margin than for a 5:2.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 April 2012 12:34