MRCI & Interest Rate Quotes

Wednesday, 27 February 2013 13:10 Melissa Moore

1. There is a difference between historical data for 5 yr treasuries FV on your website and what I find on other websites such as, and All other contracts match up exactly. Why are your prices quoted differently?

When the CBOT decreased the size of their minimum increments from 1/32 to 1/4 of 1/32, the exchange began showing a price series as, for example, 123~000, 123~002, 123~005, 123~007, 123~010 --- with 0~002 representing 1/4 of 0~01, 0~005 being 1/2 of 0~01, and 0~007 being 3/4 of 0~01.  That sort of ran parallel with their grain quotes of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4.

MRCI instead began quoting increments in terms of 1/128.  Thus, whereas a CME quote of 123~090 would mean 123-&-9/32,  MRCI's quote of 123~036 would mean 123-&-36/128.  The values are equivalent.

2. How does MRCI quote the Interest Rate spread 30 yr bonds/10 yr notes?

It is quoted in 1/32 (0~01) and in halves of 1/32 (0~005), but charts are plotted in decimals --- e.g., 16/32 is 0.50.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 07:29